
Will you be heard?


There is no greater right in our land than our right to vote and thus shape the priorities and direction of our country. On November 7, 2006 Americans will have another opportunity to choose our policymakers. In the light of much evidence and allegations of miscounted votes, voter roll tampering, partisan redistricting, electronic voting machines, and manipulation of voter rights, there has never been a more urgent time for citizens to be informed and to make every vote count!.


Want good government? Well, You get what you don't vote for! 

Join Us for this important non-partisan free event.

Sunday September 17, 2006  11:00AM- 3:00PM


A Speaker Event and Teach-In

      With:  Katherine Joyce and Jay Kappraff of the Essex County Task Force on Voting 
 Anne Barron Project Director ACLU-NJ Voting Rights For All Project 
  Rennee Steinhagen Director of NJ Appleseed Public Interest Law Center 
  James E. Harris President of New Jersey State NAACP 

Topics include:

Electronic Voting Machines  ²  Provisional & Absentee Ballots  ²  Can You Be Turned Away? 
Who Is At Risk?  ²  Help America Vote Act  ²  Immigrant & Minority Issues  ²  The elderly vote 
Poll Watching  ²  What you can do to protect your rights and the rights of others.



516 PROSPECT Street, Maplewood, NJ

973 763-1905 www.essexethical.org or 973 731-5290 wordoutnj@yahoo.com


  11:00am - 12:30 Katherine Joyce and Jay Kappraff of Essex County Task Force on Voting will be the featured speakers during the regular   Ethical Culture Society's Sunday Platform, discussing issues and concerns about electronic voting machines, and their efforts to 
  protect voters rights, and a question and answer portion.

  12:30 -1PM Refreshments and Mixer

  1:00PM - 3:00PM Teach-In: With key presenters noted above and training by Anne Baron of the ACLU 

To realize a government by the people, for the people we must insure not only that every vote counts but also recognize that every election counts. We have the power to create a government that reflects and addresses the concerns and priorities of the greatest majority of it's citizens. To do this we must also insist that our vote remains our voice, in every elected office in our land.

Sponsored by Ethical Culture Society of Essex County, Word Out! Co-sponsored by ACLU of NJ, NJ Appleseed Public Interest Law Center, ECTFV