Ethical Culture Society
of Essex County
Doing Publicity for Your Events
updated 3-6-09
Quick and Dirty
Send who, what, when, where info by email to the following places (follow instructions at each place):
For more detailed information, keep reading.
Basic Publicity Instructions
Either do these things yourself or get a friend to do them.
The bare minimum (twenty minutes of your time)
is the “Three Weeks Before Your Event” actions. Also, please share other ideas with MSW.
For opinion/op-ed pieces, click here.
Three weeks before your event:
Post it on the Maplewood Online Calendar: Go to
Click on "Main Calendar," and follow instructions.
Send simple informational announcements (Who, What, When, Where with full address (see Ethical Culture info here ) Include Contact person with phone and email, and price even if it is free) to:
– News-Record at (This is a change of email address. Include in the subject line "For Calendar of Events" or "Arts" or "Recreation," etc.
– Star Ledger at and
Put your event on Craigslist at This is free. Go there and follow instructions.
Put your event on at . This is free. Go there and follow instructions.
Address, email, phone, etc. of the Society:
The Ethical Culture Society of Essex County
516 Prospect Street, Maplewood, NJ 07040
Corner of Prospect and Parker
Sunday Platforms start at 11:00 a.m.
973-763-1905 (or, better, use a more personal email address
as this one isn't monitored regularly)
Two weeks before your event:
Prepare a short press release (no more than one page) with all the information above in narrative form that can be used as an article if the paper wants. Send this press release as an email, fax, and/or hardcopy:
-- to Essex section of the Star-Ledger at You might also call an individual reporter if you think the program is especially newsworthy. We've had some success with Jackie Waller at 973-392-4136
-- to the News-Record by Fax to 973-763-2557. You might also mail or hand deliver a hard copy to the News-Record office or email
One to two weeks before your event:
– Make a flyer and post on bulletin boards, give to friends, etc.
– Email/ Call your personal list of people who might be interested.
Final few days before the event:
– Remind people by phone and email
Opinion and op-ed pieces may be emailed here:
Star-Ledger Op-Ed & Editorial: or, the Op-Ed Editor,
Star-Ledger Letters-to-the-Editor:
For more names and contacts, go to opinion Star-Ledger.
News-Record Op-Ed & Editorial
More Outlets to Consider:
The Patch ( and Contact Cotton Delo, editor. Cotton previously worked at The Jersey Journal and the New York Resident. She's a 2000 Columbia High School graduate. Patch is a startup launched in February with sites in Maplewood, South Orange, and Millburn. Mary Ann Giordano is editor of The Local (
Officially a NYTimes deputy metro editor, her sole duties are now The Local, which includes Maplewood, Millburn, South Orange, and Fort Greene/Clinton Hill in Brooklyn.